diversed mind with a single goal------P E A C E

"PEACEFUL WORLD" It is very difficult to see this dream in a tough world.---------> I am not saying this, People says this. one side of people.
This is not a dream, its reality---------> other side of people says this.
who is wrong and who is right? Its all dependent on your thinking. However the first side of people has greater strength than the second side people.

Hello all,

This time someone very close suggests me to write about Humanity. I was searching on net about it to gain more ideas. and what I found that this very peaceful word has many articles but they were directed towards dark side,.......... hunger, terror, global warming, disease problem, water scarcity. All is not related to humanity. Why this generation don't see the most peaceful word "humanity" as a positive word. Is there any envy with it?

What I want to convey actually is:- Humanity is a powerful word and it has brought many drastic changes in the world. Now what are those drastic changes which people never discuss about it. I will tell you.

1) Invention of computer and internet and the progress of science made the world very small and close.
2) Currently world economy is increasing at a very higher rate. every country is coperative with other country for the mutual benefit. but People see lot of excuses.
3) I accept, that Terrorism is the biggest problem in the world but it is not our weakness. the correct word is threat. It is our threat.
4) The year 2004 (december), Natural disaster in south east asia. there was huge loss, but other countries helped to recover the loss. They helped the countries to overcome from it. and there are many examples related to it.
5) India is Playing cricket and having business relation with Pakistan despite bitter tension and envy.
6) Education is the biggest example......People like to study in other countries and they like to share their customs and beliefs.
7) Traveling.......world tourism is one of the most biggest business. People like to travel in other countries and they like to share their culture. anything wrong here.
8) India is the country, where English is spoken by almost 70% of the people, even though it is regarded as a foreign language.
9) Marriage in other are now becoming very common.
10) Human is standing very high just because of humanity

“Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.”

Whatever we are good for is just because of Humanity and whatever we are bad for is because of hatred and envy. There is a very harmful disease in the minds of people all over the world......PESSIMISM. We actually don't see the light part of us. We very well remember the date of Indian partition ( which we alway want to forget) however no one remembers the day when Pakistan support us to become the member of AIDB. Its very well true that Pakistan is the enemy. but why we are regarding it as a weakness. India needs to make Pakistan to be more close to it in order to maintain peace. We don't want to lose more lives. Love your enemy more than your friends.

“Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another”

The biggest problem the world is facing is HATRED. and it is distroying LOVE. Love is everywhere if you see and watch it closely. People should have lovely feelings. and If people think that Religion is the threat they are wrong. Every religion gives good perception and thoughts but only thing is we don't see it in a positive manner. If Hindu has casteism, it is not wrong. Hating and biasing lower caste is wrong. Lord Brahma divided hindu into separate caste on the basis of work but now it becomes their identity. God makes it right but we understand it wrong. Dowry in hindu religion is a good and lovely concept but now a days it is a crime.

“Humanity without religion is like a serial killer without a chainsaw”

Why we worship Maa durga, saraswati, Laxmi ji, parvati? when we don't respect women in a country. My mother says see every women a your mother. because she want me to respect women. she suffers and tolerate crime made by men. Women is very powerful in nature. Women is a magnate who don't need to be aggressive like men, who is Iron. Men has power but Women is power.

“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”

There is a very good dictum in Muslim 'Allah is music' but why maulvi's are not allowed to listen music. The motive of Christianity is to love----but they're responsible of large number of war and destruction. Why its not because of religion. Religion unites the people, problem is the perception of humans. I've listen from many of my friends that there should be no religion, religion creates disturbance. But I think religion is important for individuals. It is the identity. Men should have a single goal and he can choose his own way to achieve it.

“By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity.”

Humanity can be achieved only by the single word-----------> L O V E
Humanity still exists in the world and it will prosper. Lord Krishna's pure words

yada yada hi dharmasaya glanir bhavati bharata,
abhutdhanam adharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham
paritranay sadhunam vinashay cha dush kratam
dharm sansthapnarthay sam bhawami yugey yugey

Lord Krishna will reborn on mother earth for the sake of humanity and that is why I expect good for it. JAI SHRI KRISHNA.

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The day I was born in this country, this country also born in me.

I can feel it running through my guts when I’m angry and throbbing through my veins when I’m glad. I am India and India is me.

Starting today, I have decided that I will not point figures at anyone any more. Instead, those fingers will be pointed at me.

I am the system that does not work. I am the pothole on the road that does not get filled. I am the "FIR" that does not get filled. I am the bridge that does not get built.

Everything that's wrong with this country starts with me and will soon end with me.